The WHO reports a worldwide record of current corona cases. In Austria, too, the number of infected persons continues to rise rapidly. How likely is a second lockdown in Austria? Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) answered this question in the ORF #brennpunkt-Talk on Wednesday with a clear no. “We want and can avoid a second lockdown with all our might”, said Anschober, who added: “if we are consistent and help everyone together”.
It is a question of solidarity whether one uses a mouth and nose protector. The basic understanding that we had in spring, we now also need in autumn. “A second lockdown would be very, very difficult for us to cope with from a health, economic and socio-political perspective. We won’t need curfews either, hopes Anschober. This is primarily about basic rights: “Restricting basic rights must really be the last measure. The decisive factor is how many people die and how many people become seriously ill – “we must keep these figures as low as possible”.
— Hector Pascua, Source: ORF #rennpnkt. Picture:
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